
Grubbs 2nd Generation Catalyst

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grubbs 2nd generation catalyst is a ruthenium (II) carbenes complex that has been used in olefin metathesis. It is water-soluble, has a lower reaction temperature and does not require a solvent.

It has been incorporated into various applications such as the construction of enzymatic olefin metathesis processes or the regulation of bioreactions in bacteria, fungi, and algae. It is a highly efficient and versatile catalyst that shows high reactivity and can be easily converted to its active species through different additives, triggering different catalytic pathways to produce structurally unique products.

Cross-linked enzyme aggregates of the Grubbs catalyst with lipase of Candida antarctica were prepared and their catalytic activity was studied by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, a sol-gel preparation of the same catalyst in combination with CAL-B was found to be effective in the metathesis of diethyldiallymalonate.

Molecularly modified Grubbs catalysts: synthetic routes and functionalization of ligands

A new approach to Grubbs catalysts was presented with a polyisobutylene (PIB)-bound pyridine-ligated Grubbs complex. These complexes are useful in ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) reactions because they can control the amount of PIB that enters the metathesis redox cycle, resulting in a better selectivity and higher yields.

Reactive reagents for heterogeneous non-metathetic reactions: SPOS immobilization of organometallic compounds and thioureas

We have investigated the reactivity of a Grubbs catalyst and of silane reagents for several non-metathetic processes using SPOS immobilization on macroporous epoxy acrylic Sepabead supports with different epoxide, amino and butyl groups [35]. This is the first study demonstrating that a Grubbs catalyst is active when immobilized on a solid support, as opposed to in solution phase.

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