
How Many Neutrons Does Hassium Have?

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how many neutrons does hassium have?

Hassium belongs to the d-block of periodic table and is a radioactive element. It is a transition metal that is classified as a Group 8 element.

The atomic number of Hassium is 108. This number is equal to the total number of protons in the atom.

Neutrons are negatively charged particles that help stabilize the nucleus of an atom and offset the electrical repulsion between protons. The number of neutrons needed for a given number of protons to form a stable atom increases as the atomic number of an element rises.

If the ratio of protons to neutrons is too low, the atom will have unstable nuclei that undergo nuclear decay through alpha, beta, gamma and electron capture processes. If the ratio of protons to neutrons becomes too high, the atom will have unstable nuclei as well.

Hassium does not have a magnetic moment as it does not have any paired electrons in the last orbital. If it did have a magnetic moment, it would be weakly magnetised when placed in a magnetic field.

It has a very high density as it is one of the densest elements. It has a density of 41g/cm3.

Electrons are the smallest of all the permanent core particles in an atom. They have a mass of about 1/1836 the mass of a hydrogen atom.

The quantum nature of electrons means that they are not point particles, but they smear out over the entire atom.

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