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iron 2 phosphate is an iron salt of phosphoric acid, with the chemical formula Fe3(PO4)2. It is a brown powder. It is produced by the reaction of ferrous hydroxide with phosphoric acid, or it can be obtained as a precipitate from the mineral vivianite. It is also a component of fertilizers, used to add iron and phosphate to soil. It is odorless, and does not dissolve in water.
Ingestion of iron 2 phosphate can cause stomach upset in humans and animals. It can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and depression. If too much iron is ingested, it can interfere with the formation of blood cells and certain enzymes. Iron absorbed by the body can pass through cell membranes and attack the liver, kidneys and heart. This is a condition known as iron poisoning.
The X-ray spectral data for this material was collected using a VSW HA150 on monochromatic Al Ka X-ray radiation. The energy-resolution spectrum is shown in the Fig. 1 – energy-dispersive plot, and the peak positions for the Fe 2p, P 2s and Fe 3p are listed in the Fig. 2.
Ingestion of iron 2 phosphate can be toxic in large doses. It can be absorbed through the intestinal tract and become trapped in tissues. This can lead to a buildup of iron in the body, which can damage tissue and cause organ failure. Iron is found naturally in foods, including grains and meat. It is used to fortify bread and other foods. It is also found in fertilizers and slug and snail baits. Iron and phosphate are essential to animal and plant nutrition. They occur naturally in soil and do not become airborne.