If you are looking for high-quality products, please feel free to contact us and send an inquiry, email: brad@ihpa.net
Zirconium carbonide is a high-melting point material that has high hardness, excellent high temperature resistance and great hardness. It is used to make solid propellant for rocket motors. It is used to produce alloy steel. It is used in the production of alloy steel and zirconium.
What is Zirconium Carbide ZrC used for?
For nuclear reactors, fire-resistant coatings can be made from niobium and zirconium carbide. It is a good choice for coating nuclear fuel uranium dioxide and thorium dioxide. The coating is usually applied in a fluidized-bed reactor using thermal chemicalvapor deposition. It has high emissivity, high current capacity at high temperatures and is therefore a promising material for thermal photosolar radiators as well as field emitter tips or arrays.
It is also used in cladding, cutting tools, cermets and incandescent filaments.
Is Zirconium Carbide ZrC Ceramic?
Zirconium carbonide is a hard, refractory ceramic substance.
It is resistant to corrosion. This intrastitial, IV-interstitial transition metal caride is also a member the ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs). Because of the strong covalent Zr/C bond, this material has a high melting temperature ( 3530degC), high module ( 440GPa), as well as a high hardness (25GPa).
Zirconium Carbide ZrC Melting Point
The melting point for zirconium carbonide is 3532 degrees Celsius (6390 degrees Fahrenheit).
ZirconiumCarbide ZrC Thermo Conductivity.
ZrC has a thermal conductivity of 20.5W/m*K. It also has an electrical conductivity (resistivity) of 43mOcm.
Zirconium Carbide ZrC Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, market trends, economic activity and unexpected events.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for the latest ZrC Powder price. (brad@ihpa.net)
Zirconium Carbide ZrC Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you are interested in high-quality ZrC Powder. (brad@ihpa.net)