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titanium boride (TiB2) is an ultra-high temperature ceramic that exhibits excellent chemical stability, oxidation resistance and mechanical properties. It is the most stable of the titanium-boron compounds and may be prepared by carbothermal reduction of TiO2 and B2O3. It has a melting point of 3230 degC, a density of 4.52 g/cm3, and hardness comparable to that of diamond. It is resistant to oxidation in air, stable in hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and soluble in alkali solutions. It is often used in preparing composite ceramic products and is used for cathode coating for aluminum electrolytic cells.
In this article, the flexural strength of TiB2 in three-point bending is studied as a function of its density and grain size. A least-squares fit is provided and the experimental data are compared to the model. The underlying physical mechanisms are discussed and the influence of the additive ZrO2 on these mechanical properties is investigated.
The structural characterization of the prepared TiC-TiB2 composites is performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM, model JSM-5410, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is demonstrated that the addition of ZrO2 significantly enhances the flexural strength of the prepared composites.
This Thermo Scientific Chemicals product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar portfolio. Documentation and labeling may refer to the legacy brand name.