
What is the Koh Boiling Point of Potassium Hydroxide?

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Potassium hydroxide, or KOH, is a strong base that dissociates completely into its ions in an aqueous solution. It is a common solvent for hydrometallurgical applications, and it serves as an electrolyte in certain alkaline batteries.

Aqueous potassium hydroxide solutions are also used as a cleaning compound, and in some industrial processes they serve to remove rust. The chemical is non-toxic at low concentrations, but at higher levels it produces a corrosive gas that can cause burning if it is in contact with water or air.

The koh boiling point is the highest temperature at which a KOH solution can evaporate completely without changing its chemical properties or causing damage to the material being processed. It is 370 degrees Celsius for pure KOH, but it can melt at a lower temperature when mixed with H2O.

KOH is a good catalyst for the hydrothermal gasification process in which it degrades a variety of waste products, including coking wastewater from coal-fired power plants and sewage sludge. The hydrothermal gasification process uses supercritical water to convert these waste products into syngas that contains hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Physical-chemistry characteristics of SMS media

The physical-chemistry characteristics of the SMS media are a high boiling point, low vapor pressure and a high mean ion activity coefficient. These characteristics are largely influenced by the mole fraction of the solute, as illustrated in Fig. 2 and 3.

The physical-chemistry characteristics of the SMS media enable a higher reaction temperature under atmospheric pressure, while it is easier to control the process by means of quantitative adjustment and flow. This enables the SMS media to be an excellent ionic solvent for hydrometallurgical processes.

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